ClickCease Yoga Teacher Training Online | RYT200
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200 Hours
yoga teacher training 

sept 2024 - June 2025
10x Weekends



a Yoga Teacher Training course with MORE FLEXIBILITY FOR BUSY SCHEDULES

We are back and excited to be  delivering our 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Program.


We are so excited to launch our new 200 Hours  Yoga Teacher Training Courses - perfect for full time workers, busy parents, busy students...everyone really!

Why study with BeWell?

During lockdown we switched to 100% online training. We learned so much having been one of the first schools internationally to offer our course 100% online. After delivering our online course  8+ x times over in an online format  we know exactly what elements work best online and what elements work best in an in-person or live online setting.

Save Time - Save Energy - Save Money

Our New 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training course is one of the most efficient out there.

We have taken all of the elements which are more practical to deliver online and we deliver them online.

Then, we have taken all of the elements which prove more impactful to deliver in an in-person  setting and we deliver them in person during our - 10xDay YTT Bootcamp

You can attend the 10xDay YTT Bootcamp in person or online - you choose!

Theory Materials - Reading and Writing Exercises etc

In this day and age we all know that so much learning can be delivered  more efficiently online. We are all about efficiency here at BeWell. All of our theory materials are covered online. Read them. Listen to them as you take a walk on our Podcasts. Meet up with someone in your group (online or in person) and chat about them. It's your call! 

Physical Practise (Asana)

A certain amount of physical practise is safe to practise @ Home. Plus, you'll have lifetime access to these Asana classes. Use the online element to prepare the foundations and get your body ready for the 10xDay YTT Bootcamp. We cover all necessary basic Asana in our Online element. Some elements are a little safer and more impactful to experience in person. Because of that, we switch to more challenging physical practise teachings, learnings and challenges in our 10xDay YTT Bootcamp

Teaching Practise

While certain theoretical elements can be explored in an online format. And while some very effective teaching practise can be completed in a self paced style, the reality is nothing beats in person teaching practise. A large proportion of our 10xDay YTT Bootcamp pushes you out of your comfort zone and gets you onto that teaching mat to build confidence and strength as a new yoga teacher

One to One Feedback on Alignment

In the past, during in-person Yoga Teacher Trainings we could only adjust and assist with what we could see in front of us during a class. This meant, in a class of 12 Yoga Teacher Trainees it may not have been possible for the trainer to see each student's alignment for each posture.

Due to the major success of our 1 to 1 feedback on alignment element of our online course, we will be continuing to implement this aspect in our 2022 courses. Each teacher trainee will receive individual feedback on their unique alignment in all poses explored during the course.  After all, we all know each body performs each asana in it's own unique way. We don't give blanket feedback to the group. We give you individual feedback on where you are and how to get to where you want to be...

Teaching Practise

In the past, during in-person Yoga Teacher Trainings we could only feedback on with what we could see in front of us during a teaching practise session. This meant, in a class of 12 Yoga Teacher Trainees working in multiple groups, it may not have been possible for the trainer to see each student's teaching practise performance.

Due to the major success of our 1 to 1 feedback on teaching practise element of our online course, we will be continuing to implement this aspect in our 2022 courses. Each teacher trainee will receive individual feedback on their teaching practise. This was voted one of the strongest elements of our course where teachers really saw major leaps in their development.

We welcome you with whatever skills you bring to the table. We don't give blanket feedback. We give you feedback on where you are and how to get to where you want to be... does it all work?

Traditionally Yoga Teacher Training was delivered 100% in person in a few typical formats

Some schools delivered 12 x weekends over the course of a year (1 weekend per month) This allowed the Yoga Teacher Trainee to integrate Yoga Teaching into their regular life slowly and efficiently...

Other schools delivered 3.5week intensive 'destination' courses where the Yoga Teacher Trainees were immersed in the teachings and learnings. This allowed for a deep dive in the Yogic Lifestyle in an ideal environment.

BeWell did both... monthly weekends...intensive destination courses etc.

Then the pandemic hit. We were all locked down. And Yoga Alliance gave us permission to deliver our in person hours online instead. We all thought it was a temporary provision. However, following the success of online trainings Yoga Alliance deicded to allow schools to continue delivering required hours in online format.

Nowadays it's completely up to the school how to organise their course.

All offline. All online...or a mix of both!

We see some schools following lockdown back delivering their courses in the same traditional sense. 12x weekends a year...or 3.5 weeks on location etc. Other schools have moved 360 and deliver online online...

It is our belief the the most efficient, effective, sustainable and innovative way to approach the course moving forward in today's climate and society is a Mixed Blended Course.

That's why we are the first school to introduce the the 'Bootcamp' mechanic

150 hours online + 50 hours Intense Teacher Training Bootcamp (delivered over 10 days)

Remember, you saw it here first!

150 Hours Online Study

  • BeWell Yoga Teacher Trainees will study 150 hours coursework through online method.

  • Teacher Trainees who enjoy to work online independently without being guided or working as part of a group are very welcome to do so

  • Teacher Trainees who enjoy being part of a 'container' or group dynamic and working alongside yoga trainers and fellow teacher trainees through coursework can join us on one of our 12xWeek Online Group Study Programs running 3 times in 2022

  • (Information and dates below)

50 Hours In Person or Live Online

  • The remaining 50 hours  of the course are delivered by means of our brand new BeWell Bootcamp. A 10x Day Yoga Teacher Trainee Bootcamp with major focus on teaching practise and hands on practical elements such as ceremony, adjusting etc... We cannot wait to host you at multiple destinations and strengthen and improve your Yoga Teaching skills, confidence and abilities together.


The 100% Online Package

  • With this package you are working 100% online. You will join us for our 10xDay YTT Bootcamp via Zoom

  • You will study 150xHours online using our training portal under the guidance of our yoga teacher training team.

  • You will then join us for 50xHours of Live Online Sessions on set dates and times.

The In Person Package

  • With this package you are working both online and in person with us joining us for our 10xDay YTT Bootcamp in person.

  • You will study 150xHours online using our training portal under the guidance of our Yoga Teacher Training team

  • You will then join us for 50xHours of in person training over 10xConsecutive Days on set dates and times.


10xDays YTT Bootcamp

Major Focus on Teaching Practise & Practical Skills

Contact us for more info

We suggest that Teacher Trainees (specifically those attending online) dedicate the 10xDays 100% and solely to the program in order to the get most out of it. We work with Core Hours. Core Hours are whereby all Yoga Teacher Trainees should be in attendance at the studio or online via Zoom. Outside of these hours, Yoga Teacher Trainees will be expected to complete homework tasks in advance of the next day.


Yoga Teacher Trainees attending in person  @ BeWell Longford, Ireland will be given opportunities to observe, assist, teach small segments during public classes in mornings and evenings (dependant on teacher trainees abilities) Yoga Teacher Trainees attending in person @ all locations will be given opportunities to teach one to one private sessions with real clients as part of their overall teaching practise.


Alarm Clock

150 hours online...
let's do this together
join The 12xweek online guided group


Don't want to study the online element alone?We got you! You don't have to study alone. We offer a 12xWeek Online Guided Study Group with weekly online meet ups, Q&As, guided meditation, pranayama and group workshops 

Our 12xWeek Online Guided Study Group Kicks off  4 times a year. Dates below

Our 12xWeek Online Guided Study Group is a great opportunity to get social online with like-minded people!You might then decide to attend the same 10xDay YTT Bootcamp! 

Our 12xWeek Online Guided Study Group allows you to work at your pace faster or slower than the 12xWeek outline dependant on your personal commitments and schedule

Our 12xWeek Online Guided Study Group consists of weekly newsletters, Q&As Sessions with trainers, group watch parties, guided meditation, pranayama and asana sessions

12 Week Guided Study Groups


Study Groups meets Online Tuesdays 18.30-21.30pm approx over 12 weeks

The group enjoys group meditation, pranayama and theory workshops

Other optional sessions such as watch parties, micro study groups etc are plugged in as the course progresses dependant on group needs.

booking now open

 Jan 25th-April 12th

Sept 13th -nov 29th

in studio for our 10xDay YTT Bootcamp

Yoga Class

Join us at our brand new studio in Longford Town to enjoy 50+ Hours of in person Yoga Teacher Training Program offered multiple times in 2022. Or why not come explore Lake Como, Italy or Taghazout, Morocco with us!

When it comes to Theory we understand screen fatigue....Pop in your headphones, get outside and follow along with our new Podcasts which now replace traditional reading of texts. 

Group assignments will help you dive deep into the history and philosophy of yoga through peer learning.


Our 200hrs BeWell Yoga Teacher Training takes you on a journey into yourself, one that we all had to go on too. This journey helps you awaken the teacher within and strengthens your knowledge and understanding of yoga and the business of yoga so that you can confidently and authoritatively share your passion with others, from a place of understanding, awareness, and certified competency. 


If you’ve been saying to yourself:


❌  I don’t know where to start

❌  I don’t have the time to do a yoga teacher training

❌  I’m not sure I’m good enough to be a teacher


Then you’re not alone. Many of our students feel this way when they start out. We’ve been there too! And that’s why we’ve created a flexible yoga teacher training that fits around your schedule, and provides you with all the tools you need to be an INCREDIBLE teacher!


Our 100% online or Hybrid training is for everybody and literally any body with:


✅ A passion for sharing yoga and wellness

✅ A willingness to try something new

✅ A curiosity to take their practice deeper

✅ Access to a laptop, phone or any other type of electronic device that connects to the internet

⁠🌸 Get Started Today

From the moment you book onto the course, you can enjoy access to materials...

🌸 Online since March 2020

We were one of the first schools internationally to go online in March 2020 with our 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Program. This is because our lead trainer worked previously within online digital education solutions for training within global corporations. As a result, we knew how to get online fast and deliver an impactful course from the get go.

Since then, we have continuously integrated improvements into our course after every round of live session delivery. Following 9 rounds of delivering our online course and integrating improvements, it's safe the online aspects of our course is one of the most mature and evolved online Yoga Teacher Training out there.


⁠🎧 Walk & Listen

We understand digital fatigue is a real issue. We also understand the importance of spending time in nature and getting fresh air. That's why we are the first online Yoga Teacher Training School to give you the option of reading your texts or instead listening to Podcasts for a large segments of your theory-work. Why not get your steps and some fresh air in as you progress through the course? Remember, you saw it here first 🌱

🌸 Ongoing Access

Enjoy ongoing access to the training portal even when the course has finished. So, when you finish the course you can go back and really relish in  the sessions anytime!

🌸 One to One Unique & Individual Video Review (Alignment)

You can be guaranteed you will leave the course with a clear overview of your unique alignment in postures. We video review each of your postures and sit with you one to one to discuss safety or alignment topics specific to your body and your practise as a student of Yoga. This service proved so popular with our online yoga teacher trainees that we are now offering it also to our in person teacher trainees also!

🌸 One to One Unique & Individual Video Review (Teaching Practise)

We have a sliding scale of what we look at in terms of your teaching practise development. Some people will need support with confidence. Others will need support with how they energetically deliver their teaching.

Either way we review your unique style of teaching and sit with you one to one to discuss where you are and what unique and individual goalposts you can work towards to reach your potential. 

This service proved so popular with our online yoga teacher trainees that we are now offering it also to our in person teacher trainees also!

🌸 One to One Unique Discussion & Review (Meditation)

Whether you are new to meditation or a seasoned practitioner, we periodically discuss with you one to one what is happening for you in your meditation and ensure you have the unique tools you need for your experience. We do not apply 'blanket instructions' regarding meditation to the group.

Instead, we give you unique goalposts as per where you are. As a result, all of our Yoga Teacher Trainees experience a deepening in their meditation experience.

🌸 Graduate Community

Your journey as a Yoga Teacher does not end after your course. Upon graduation enjoy access to the BeWell Yoga Inner Circle (Graduate Group) where we enjoy ongoing periodic training workshops, camaraderie and explore monthly online ceremony together.

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Now, more than ever, we need skilled wellness facilitators, passionate community carers and inspirational local leaders to blaze the trail toward collective mental and physical balance, awareness and truth. 

Are you feeling called ?


As a time of heightened collective consciousness draws in, we're creating a community and learning space for teachers who believe in consciousness, community and circularity.


Our mission is to share simple tools, accessible for everyone, rooted in ancient yogic history to bring everyone back to their unique magic & balance.​


Is that a mission you want to be part of? If so, we're ready to meet you where you're at.   New to yoga or old hand. Ready to become a teacher or still on the fence. We welcome you to be a part of our community. 

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The BeWell Yoga Teacher Training programme was a wonderful experience and one which I would recommend to any other students thinking of completing their 200hrs qualification. Miriam, the lead trainer, was fantastic both in her knowledge of yoga and the delivery of the course. I came away not only with a much deeper knowledge of all aspects of yoga but also a new approach, one that is gentler and kinder as to how we approach the teaching of yoga. It was very inclusive to all levels and that is something I strive to emulate in my teaching. 

(Online course graduate , London UK , YTT May-June 2020)


time to look inward

In an ever changing world, where we can no longer freely explore outwardly, we have the unique opportunity to discover a whole other world within.


Our inner world, an undiscovered terrain, can be explored and adventured by means of simple methods from the comfort and safety of our home.


Meditation, Yoga and Pranayama (breathing exercises) act as keys that unlock the layers and allow us to adventure into the hidden depths of our mind, body and soul.


Funnily enough, it is the deep exploration, understanding, shedding and rebuilding of our inner world that allows us to truly relish in the most simple details of the outside world.


Come with us on a journey, a journey deep into your mind, body and soul. Together we will explore your unique inner world through meditation, pranayama, yoga and theory sessions, group discussions and workshops. You will emerge from  this journey with the knowledge, skills and passion to take your Yoga Journey to the next level.


All from the comfort and safety of your home..should you so wish.



Each time we deliver a Yoga Teacher Training program, we implement improvements to the course to streamline your experience with us. Our graduates have great things to say about their experience with us.

Our in person and online program is fully accredited and recognised  by Yoga Alliance.

Our online course comes at the special discounted rate of 50% off the regular Yoga Teacher Training  course fee.  




Bringing their expertise and insight to the course, our experienced team of teachers will be offering you continuous guidance and support throughout the course, ensuring that you get just as much out of our online training as you would a in-person YTT.

Miriam O' Reilly 


Lead trainer and Owner at BeWell Yoga

ERYT® 200

RYT® 500


  • Lead Trainer and Proprietor of BeWell.

  • 10xYears work experience in Marketing, Retail, Business Development in multinational companies internationally

  • 6years - Retail and Marketing with VF International, Switzerland.

  • 1.5  years -Advertising Sales for special economic country reports published within The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal

  • Graduate of Law and European Studies LLB

  • Speaks English, Italian and Spanish 



RYS Accredited yoga alliance 200 hours training school

Miriam began her wellness journey 10 years ago  in Lake Como, Italy.

Her wellness education has taken her on training courses and retreats in Switzerland,Italy, Spain, Morocco, Sri Lanka and Bali in search of learning ancient Wellness skills rooted in Yoga, Meditation, Ayurveda, Mindfulness, Yoga Philosophy and Sound Healing.

Miriam qualified as an internationally recognised RYT-200 Yoga Teacher 7 years ago in January 2015 having studied intensively in Ubud, Bali. She has since completed additional yoga teacher training in Yin, Ashtanga and Hatha Styles.


Miriam spent some time offering Vinyasa Flow Yoga lessons in and around Lake Como, Milan and Ticino, Switzerland before moving back to Ireland in Summer 2019 to focus on BeWell and BeWell-Yoga Teacher Training School. 

 Since then Miriam has guided over 100+ students from all over the world through the BeWell 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Program.

In September 2022, Miriam launched BeWell’s first physical premises. 

BeWell Yoga Studio in Longford, Ireland - her hometown. 

BeWell Longford offers weekly classes in Yoga, Pilates, Group movement, Holistic Treatments, Workshops and specialized courses such as 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Trainings, Yin Yoga Teacher Trainings, Holistic Retreats and Yoga Teacher CPD courses.


Miriam's passion is  sharing Wellness 'tools and tips' that are individual & unique to each of her students.  Her passion is empowering people on their personal journey to Wellbeing and coaching people on daily habits and practises to help them reach their highest potential.


Miriam believes that by learning about Yoga we can create enormous positive change and impact in today’s society. By learning how to center ourselves and operate from a place of balance and consciousness we can ‘wake up’. Wake up to the simple and outstanding beauty of nature and life. Wake up to clearly and undoubtedly recognise mindlessness, selfishness, greed and consumerism within ourselves and others. Wake up to realise that to create change and inspire change, we must begin within ourselves.  Something which can be achieved with ancient accessible tools taught by Yoga.



Emma Sheridan 


Founder: @Luuna.Collective

ERYT® 200

ERYT® 500


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Emma started a yoga practice in 2008 while living a fast paced London life that was mostly frustrating, overwhelming and uninspiring! 'Yoga gave me a rare chance to slow down, become introspective and connect to my body in a way I had never experienced before.'

Over time the practice taught Emma how to have easier and steadier access to presence, awareness, intuition and self-connection. It sparked an inner shift that made her happier, more peaceful, and more in touch with the love and wisdom at each of our core.

With a dream to live a healthy, purpose-filled life in service of something bigger, she packed up her London life and embarked on her first teacher training in 2010 with Absolute Yoga in Thailand.

Since then, it has been a journey of continuous learning and growth as she expands her understanding of this age old practice. Emma completed my advanced teacher training with highly regarded international teachers Julie Martin and Emil Wendell in India in 2014, and has accumulated over 1000 hrs of training in total. She has spent years on a deeply rich and rewarding Yoga adventure, exploring various lineages and methodologies, and will always remain a student of this ever evolving practice. Emma draws from current research, somatic meditation, tantric yoga philosophy, and the many inspirational teachers, guides and mentors she has met along the way, in the hope she can offer meaningful learning experiences to her students.


Emma has led groups on retreats to the most beautiful and exotic destinations, shared classes in rustic Yoga shalas in India, ran workshops in slick studios in South East Asia, and trained and mentored teachers from every corner of the globe. Not only has she experienced first-hand the transformative power of this practice, but again and again she have witnessed people from all walks of life move beyond their limitations and spark a change that leads to more compassionate, awake and connected humans. 'This is the real reason why I love what I do and why I want to share it with you!'

'Had a great time becoming a yoga teacher under the professional instruction and the loving guidance of BeWell!! Thank you!'


-Alina (Taghazout Morocco Yoga Teacher Training Dec-Jan2020)


Enjoy 50+ hours of guided  live in person or online course 

Get Started Today!

When you choose to join the next  course you can opt to get started right away.  From the moment you book onto the course, you will enjoy access to materials from Day 1 and can begin working already on your individual exercises.

Guided Sessions 

We will cover 50+ hours of your training together live online or  in person together. 


The remainder of the course  is completed individually and in groups online.

Teacher Trainees enjoy 4x45' one to one sessions with the trainers, one on each block of the course.

*Note that the course is divided into 4xBlocks (*This is not available on the Economy Solution)

The Time Commitment

Teacher Trainees complete the course by blended digital  learning (Theory Sessions, Written Assignments, Daily Meditation and Pranayama Journalling, Self Practise, Pre-recorded video practise, Asana Alignment pre-recorded clinics, Teaching Cues and Tips pre-recorded clinics. weekly Q&A live online sessions in person at our Yoga Studio or streamed via zoom)

Typically, yoga teacher trainees should allow 

✅ 50 Hours for Theory reading and written exercises

✅ 20 Hours for Assignments

✅ 28 Hours for daily meditation and pranayama

✅ 4 Hours Self Guided Practise

✅ 40 Hours Pre-recorded asana practise

✅ 30 Hours Teaching Practise

✅ 8 Hours live online Q&A

✅ 20 Hours Group Work (where possible)


Dedicated Guidance

Enjoy dedicated guidance from yoga trainers with:

✅ support on all questions sent via email (Mon - Fri)

✅ one to one calls with trainers

✅ Teacher Trainees enjoy 4x45' one to one sessions with the trainers

What to be prepared for....

✅  one to one activity yoga teacher trainer to yoga teacher trainee (in the form of review , feedback and discussion of unique goals)

✅  individual written assignments and exercises to be completed and submitted

✅  group projects (where possible to form groups)  to be completed  and submitted for review

✅  online teaching practise to be recorded and submitted for review and one to one discussion

✅  self practise to be recorded and submitted for review and one to one discussion

✅  pre-recorded practise video assignments to be completed and recordings submitted for review and one to one discussion

Materials  for individual theory and exercises can be accessed immediately upon booking the  the course allowing Teacher Trainees to get started immediately.

Are you ready to become a certified yoga teacher?

Why bewell?


50+ Hours of  live online sessions with the full Yoga Teacher Trainee group and Yoga Trainers  


Maximum learning through live interactive workshops together as a group and in micro groups to avoid too much isolated self learning so that you can enjoy a rich and impactful experience rooted in interactive peer learning and social growth.


Consistent and reliable support from the training team for all questions in our live sessions and via email on questions Mon - Fri


4x 45' one to one sessions for each Yoga Teacher Trainee with trainers to review & guide on individual alignment in asana practise, discuss daily meditation and pranayama practise, guide on individual teaching practise and support on coursework. (* n/a on economy solution)


Support, coaching and guidance from the start right through to successful graduation  and certification  on the last day.


Care, attention and support that recognises you as a unique individual with a unique goal.


Simple, non complex digital solutions making the course accessible for you regardless of what device you use or how much  knowledge you have of technology. Submit your work in the format of your choice and we'll do the rest.

€995 investment

100% Online Solution

You will enjoy 4x periodic one-to-one video call sessions with our trainers to review & guide you on

a) your individual alignment during asana practice 

b) your individual teaching practise exercises

c)your daily meditation and pranayama practice journey and how to deepen your experience

d) our trainers will set you unique and individual exercises for your personal practise, teaching practise and meditation and pranayama practise so that you can reach your maximum potential.

also Includes

  • 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Course Fee

  • All course materials

  • You will get live online tuition and reliable and consistent support throughout course dates

  • You will learn asana, pranayama, and meditation techniques

  • You'll get to train with expert teachers

  • Teacher methodology classes will help you to understand the unique needs of individuals and the why and the how of different postures, so you can confidently teach at the end of your course.

  • Our theory of Yoga classes will give you an insight into the history and philosophy behind yoga

  • Our expert-lead anatomy classes will give you a thorough understanding of how the body works

  • On completion of the course you'll receive your Yoga Alliance 200hrs certification.

€1650 investment

Hybrid Solution 

Online Element + 10xDays in Person

You will enjoy


  • 10xDays In Person Instruction at a location of your choice.

  • 4xPeriodic one-to-one in person sessions with our trainers to review & guide you on

a) your individual alignment during asana practice 

b) your individual teaching practise exercises

c)your daily meditation and pranayama practice journey and how to deepen your experience

d) our trainers will set you unique and individual exercises for your personal practise, teaching practise and meditation and pranayama practise so that you can reach your maximum potential.

also Includes

  • 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Course Fee

  • All course materials

  • You will get live in person tuition and reliable and consistent support throughout course dates

  • You will learn asana, pranayama, and meditation techniques

  • You'll get to train in person with expert teachers

  • Teacher methodology classes will help you to understand the unique needs of individuals and the why and the how of different postures, so you can confidently teach at the end of your course.

  • You will enjoy one to one in person sessions with our trainers to review & guide on individual alignment in asana practice, discuss daily meditation and pranayama practice, guide on individual teaching practice and support on coursework.

  • Our theory of Yoga classes will give you an insight into the history and philosophy behind yoga

  • Our expert-lead anatomy classes will give you a thorough understanding of how the body works

  • On completion of the course you'll receive your Yoga Alliance 200hrs certification

yoga teacher training online
Inner Circle.jpg
€449 economy solution

Our economy solution does not include one to one alignment/teaching practice/meditation & pranayama feedback & coaching sessions with our trainers.


  • 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Course Fee

  • All course materials

  • You will get live online tuition and reliable and consistent support throughout course dates

  • You will learn asana, pranayama, and meditation techniques

  • You'll get to train with expert teachers

  • Teacher methodology classes will help you to understand the unique needs of individuals and the why and the how of different postures, so you can confidently teach at the end of your course.

  • Our theory of Yoga classes will give you an insight into the history and philosophy behind yoga

  • Our expert-lead anatomy classes will give you a thorough understanding of how the body works

  • On completion of the course you'll receive your Yoga Alliance 200hrs certification

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If you haven't already, download our full syllabus. 

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.



And if you're ready to step up to the mat as a yoga teacher, your journey starts here!

what our past students had to say...

Becoming a yoga teacher is a life changing experience. For me, going through this process with BeWell
was much more than a training – it was a journey. I’ve learned so much about myself, about everything
yoga and nonetheless about “walking the talk”, taking yoga off the mat and into daily life, where the
transformation is happening.
During the training I always felt that is not about information, but about transformation. As a BeWell
200 RYT graduate, I confess that yes, I feel ready to teach yoga and support my students in their journey,
both on and off the mat.
The course curricula was full of valuable knowledge – from history of yoga to anatomy, sequencing, how
to build and manage a yoga business, mindset and essential skills for a new teacher. I couldn’t ask for
more from my YTT and I am deeply grateful to be part of the BeWell community.
Thank you Miriam, Giulia, Joseph, Polly, Tahni, Natalie, Maeve and everyone else involved!


( Online Graduate December 2020, Romania)

Fantastic course which really opened my eyes up to the depth of yoga!  I opted for the self paced route which worked really well alongside my other commitments. Miriam was always on hand to answer any questions via email and in the one to one sessions.  She was really understanding of any difficulties that arose due to the pandemic so certainly don't let this put you off.  

(Self Paced Course - Online Graduate June 2020, Birmingham, UK)

I have been practicing Yoga regularly for nearly two years – and enrolled on this course to improve my knowledge and skills relating to Yoga. The online format allowed me to complete this training at a time in which most things are not possible. Initially when I signed up I worried that I would miss out on some of the personal elements of a face to face course. However that was not the case – the daily schedule provided a clear plan for what each day would be like. It also forced me to make time in my week for this course. This meant that rather than a self-paced course I moved through in a structured way working collaboratively with others on the course. In addition there were frequent 1 to 1 sessions with Miriam who provided personalised feedback on both my teaching and technique. Over the four weeks of the course there have been huge improvements in my technique due to the feedback received. Thank you for all your help and support
(Online 200 Hours YTT Graduate - United Kingdom, May 2020)

A fantastic instructor, the resources were thoughtful and well prepared and gave both a clear overview and a good specific detail. The 1 to 1 feedback on both technique and teaching allowed me to make rapid progress. I would highly recommend BeWell!
(Online 200 Hours YTT Graduate - United Kingdom, May 2020)

Thank you so much. Thank you doesn’t seem enough.. thank you for being the person you are, kind, thoughtful encouraging, resilient, patient.. the list goes on but u get the picture. You are amazing at what you do and l was lucky to have found you on my quest to become a yoga teacher. Anyway l think you don’t sit well with too many compliments so l will stop there.. I’m sure our paths will cross again so until then take care.
(200 Hours YTT Graduate from Donegal, Jan 2020)

​BeWell's online training course is enjoyable, engaging and full to the brim with information to satisfy the curiosity of budding yoga teachers. Miriam's in-depth knowledge and attention to detail really comes through in the live sessions and course materials. You will leave this course with an excellent foundation in every aspect of yoga, as well as a range of materials to refer to whenever you need them in the future. Miriam has done her utmost to replicate the in-person experience with daily live sessions, 1-to-1s and individualised feedback on teaching practice and alignment. This is a rare and valuable opportunity to train from the comfort of your own home, with an incredible teacher. Miriam is kind, patient and present for all of your questions - I couldn't have asked for a better tutor! If you are considering this course, I highly recommend it! Thank you to Miriam and to BeWell for an amazing yoga journey.

(Online 200 Hours YTT Graduate from Dublin, May 2020)

It was a great experience for me to be in your class, exploring new dimensions of yoga. You conducted this course with very organised way and extensive work within short time. Thank you, you too! Wish you all the best for your personal life and for your business.
(Online 200 Hours YTT Graduate from Dublin, May 2020)

Thank you so so much for everything you’ve done on this course! It was one of the most amazing experiences I’ve had, so eye opening and grounding. I’m going to miss it so much! I’ve actually got a friend who has already signed up for your next online course!!! I can’t wait to meet you in ’real’ life soon. Wishing you all the best!
(Online 200 Hours YTT Graduate  from Bristol, May 2020)

Thank you so much for everything! I enjoyed the class as much as it was intense and challenging,
but I really learned a lot and feel like I have improved myself on many levels! Your personality also made it very easy and I appreciate your efforts!
(Online 200 Hours YTT Graduate - Germany, May 2020)

I just wanted to say a huge thank you for an amazing YTT. I've loved it.  So happy to have done it with BeWell. Your passion, your whole ethos and your honesty have made it really special and really practically  useful.. to achieve that online is impressive!  & thanks for all your kind + helpful feedback and encouragement, massively appreciated.  Also actually thank you for encouraging me to do this in the first place - by giving me a really helpful practical answer to how 'good' I needed to be. No bullshit about whether I thought I was ready just a video to practice along with - super helpful! Without that I might not have done it & the last 4 weeks could have been a massive waste and a bit grim on furlough on lockdown. Instead it's honestly been one of the best things I've done, feel very lucky.
(Online 200 Hours YTT Graduate - London, May 2020)

A privilege to train with BeWell Yoga. The training encourages and supports your personal development, strengthens the body, while improving asana practise and posture. A nourishing space for a deep journey into the self, deep within the mind and soul . The facilitator Miriam is a true yogi and a great teacher. She shares her years of experience and knowledge, ensuring that her students walk away with real knowledge, on how to teach yoga safely and professionally to students of all ages and all physical abilities, real yoga teacher training for the real world. Really enjoyed the experience
(200 Hours YTT Graduate from Leitrim, Jan 2020)

Can't thank you enough for everything. It's the end of one amazing experience with BeWell Yoga School and the beginning of the next chapter in the new world. Hope to catch up with you again in future when the time is right !
(200 Hours YTT Graduate from Kildare, Jan 2020)

I would like to thank you one more time for your time, your effort and guidance through those months of our course. I have learned a lot from you but this is only beginning  of  My journey. Wish you all the best. Namaste (200 Hours YTT Graduate  from
(Leitrim Village Yoga Teacher Training Sept-January 2020)

"I really loved my time on the YTT. The content of the course was enormously engaging, and I learnt a lot about everything from the history of yoga to meditation and pranayama. Most of all, I met a wonderful group of people that will continue to inform how I think about yoga, long after the course finishes."

(Leitrim Village Yoga Teacher Training Sept-January 2020)


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