Early Bird Offer Available up to August 30th 2023+ Subject to availability
Full course cost €2499 thereafter
Early Bird 10xMonth Instalment Offer
Deposit €400 to secure spot (non refundable)
€211 monthly from Oct 2023 - June 2024 thereafter
* monthly instalments due by 15th of each month
*The following Ts&Cs apply
-a deposit amount of 400euro is non refundable where cancellation is requested.
-the remainder is refundable less 3rd party fees (credit card/stripe fees)
*Minimum booking levels are required to run all courses at BeWell
The puchaser understands that should BeWell not reach min booking levels, the course will not proceed and a refund will be made of all payments to date (minus fees charged by 3rd parties such as credit card fees or stripe fees) BeWell is not responsible for loss of time or damages arising from flights/hotel bookings by the purchaser.
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